Corporate players are up, well groomed, and skipping breakfast because if they don’t leave the house now, they will be late. The traffic these days is just too crazy. Kila mtu ana gari!!!
Back to the factory scene; “ toooot…” the shift has started. The HHIC is outside the gate picking out the casual labourer for the day. It looks like a political rally. There are just too many people.
“ Basi, hawa tosha. Wengine Kesho.” Says the HHIC. Tough luck.
Head Honcho In Charge.
We go up a few rungs of the ladder. The office is a buzz. “Got to crack that brief.” You think to yourself.
Emails are coming in quick succession:
From: HR.
Subject: Memo.
“Dare I even read it.”
From: Client
Subject: New Changes.
“Dame it! Can’t they decide?? I’m already finished with the last changes!!”
From: The forward friend
Subject: FW; FW; FW
Before you delete the forward, your big boss gets a tongue lashing from the bigger boss, and makes a through pass to you.
And who does the work?

Its 10.30 am and half of the lot that was asleep is now awake.
Hustler Mbaya!!
Wasee wa barabara.
Meets client. Discusses what they need. Gets L. P. O using his friends company.
Off to down town. Buys supplies with all the money in his pocket but still owes 25%.
“I will pay when the cheque comes through.”
Delivers to client. Capice!
Easy money?
Clients reject the supplies. This is not what they asked for.
12.30 pm and the other half is now awake.
No job.
Off to Base.
5.30 pm. Overtime, rush hour traffic, the million man walk back home.
Another day bites the dust.
Tomorrow is a new battle.
Moral of the story:
1.” The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."
Lily Tomlin
2. “Be nice. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
John Watson
Join us in this journey towards financial freedom and the quest for life lessons that will make us better human beings.
Let us invest our time, effort and money into making ourselves and the people around us better people than we are today.
I wish you all a safe journey.
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