Friday, July 20, 2007

Gift of perception.

There is no right or wrong in the world. There is only truth and acceptance.

How you perceive that truth is what will determine whether or not you will accept it.

Most of us are brought up under a set rules and guidelines of how the world or society should be. Anything outside those rules is perceived as wrong. These are the truths that we have come to accept.

Go to school. Study hard. Get a job. Get a wife/husband. Have a bunch kids. Die. Capice.

Anyone else see the trivial sequence? Of course.

Hence the opium of the masses ( religion ) and metaphysics theories and the never ending cults.

They give a flavourful perception of how life should be rather than the bland routine we have been acustomed to.

One must learn to perceive life as it is. Not as you wish it to be.

If you live life in the sequence ingrained into you by other people you will not learn to perceive life on your own terms.

It will be like painting a replica of the Mona Lisa. Just as good. But not quite the same.

Einstein quoted “ A problem can never be solved at the same level it was created.”

Why do think this is so? Perception.

In any organization, if there exist problems that cannot be solved by operational staff, it is bumped up to management. If management cannot solve it, it’s taken to the directors. And if the directors cannot solve it, Consultants are hired.

This is because the problem may require a different angle of perception.

It works the same way in investment. When securities rise in value, some investors think the stock in valuable, so they buy into it, while other are afraid that the stock in not at the right price so they sell and vice versa.

In Life. Everything is about how you perceive it.

Is consumption of alcohol bad or good?

Are women better people than men?

Are Kenyan politicians good or bad?

Well, if you live in Kenya I think our perception on the last one may the same.

You can only accept what you can perceive.
The gift or perception is one that can be natured.

You will learn a lesson everyday. Pay Attention.

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